It's All About Guitar !!
Welcome to It's All About Guitar.
With so much information about guitar scattered around the web, in books, DVD's and videos, it can be very confusing and not just for beginners.
Hopefully, here at It's All About Guitar I can help ease the confusion by providing clear advice, guidance, hints and tips.

Have you been thinking about learning how to play? Perhaps you always wanted to but you just never got around to doing anything about it for any number of reasons. You didn't have the time, what with other commitments like school, being too busy with work, or even raising a family.
You just thought it was too much like hard work? And no matter how much you put into it you just wouldn't be able to play anyway. Big mistake! You can still learn how to play guitar despite all that, and hopefully we will be able to provide a little bit of inspiration and encouragement to get you on your way.
The aims of the site are numerous. Firstly, to provide encouragement for anyone who falls into one of the categories above and, as the site grows, providing valuable information on learning how to play, how to go about buying without wasting your money, caring for your instrument once you have made your purchase, tuning (including some alternative tunings), and provide you with a load of basic chords to get you started.
There will also be sections on the history of the instrument, some useful hints and tips on gigging, and using your skills to make money from playing. Want to know all about the different types of guitars out there? It will all be here.
Just follow the sections on the left to find a wealth of information on accessories, effects, players, news, and loads of other vital information and advice.
And all the rest! The other good bits of having an axe addiction.
And don't forget, if you have a WAP enabled mobile phone (one that can access the internet that is) you can use it to visit the site at any time by simply adding the website address as one of your favorites. Among other things, you should find this particularly useful for viewing those basic chords when you are away from the computer. Most mobile phones can also pick up RSS feeds.
If there is anything we don't have covered that you would like to see, just drop us a line using the Contact form.
- Search this site
- Search this site and the web for anything related to guitar...
- Guitar Lessons Reviews
- Guitar introduction to some of the many online guitar lessons...
- Latest Updates
- Keep up to date with the latest articles and pages on with the Guitar Blog.
- Buying a Guitar
- Before buying a guitar it's important to bear in mind a few essential points and seek help. There are thousands of different guitars out there. We shed some light on the process.
- Types of Guitars
- Info on all types of guitars, from acoustic to electric and spanish to 12 string guitars..
- Guitar Diagrams
- Guitar Diagrams showing the names of the various parts of electric and acoustic guitars...
- Guitar Posters at Its All About Guitar
- Guitar Posters to dress your walls..
- Guitar T-Shirts, Mugs, Jugs and Gifts
- Its all about guitar merchandise including t-shirts for him, her, and the kids...
- Guitar Pickups - Single Coil and Humbucker Type Pickups
- Guitar Pickups - From Single Coil to Humbucker
- Tuning a guitar - and why it's so imortant
- Tuning a guitar is not that difficult once you have a few basics out of the way...
- Normal Chords - Chord Library
- Loads of normal chords to be found in our Chord Library section...A new chord added every week....
- Basic Guitar Chords Introduction
- So what are the Basic Guitar Chords and how are they made up? Chords are made up from various notes on the guitar, notes that sound pleasing when combined.
- Free Guitar Scales
- Free Guitar Scales - Integrate scales into your playing but understand that they can not be a replacement for melody.
- Guitar Practice
- Guitar Practice! You need to practice! For your guitar playing to improve this is essential. No practice, No gain!
- Guitar Maintenance and Repair - Cleaning
- Guitar Maintenance, keep your guitar in tip-top condition with our guides to restringing, cleaning, and caring for your guitar
- Change Guitar Strings
- Change Guitar Strings: Guitar strings NEED to be changed every now and again, and not just because they break. If your guitar has broken a string, don't worry, it happens.
- Articles
- Articles on guitar lessons for beginners, online guitar lessons, and more...